Sleep is the head of everything: 7 simple tips to help cope with insomnia

by Editorial Team
3 minutes read
Sleep is the head of everything 7 simple tips to help cope with insomnia (1)

You will need bananas, spiced milk, and a balloon.

Insomnia is a disgusting, very exhausting condition and even a dangerous condition. Even just one sleepless night lowers our immunity, impairs our ability to concentrate, increases the risk of heart disease, and even affects our eating behavior – for the worse. If you’ve tried all the traditional ways to deal with insomnia and failed, try something new. Despite their unusualness, they really can help overcome insomnia and finally get a good night’s sleep.

Don’t try to sleep

Moreover, do your best to stay awake. The more we worry about not being able to fall asleep, the less likely it is that sleep will come. Anxiety, frustration, and other emotions – all interfere with the onset of sleep. But if you do not make any attempts to fall asleep, do not concentrate on this, most likely, very quickly you yourself will not notice how you fall asleep.

Put on warm socks

When our feet are warm, the blood vessels dilate and the brain is told to relax and fall asleep. So try warming up your feet before going to bed – or just buy warm woolen socks.

Try aromatic oils

Recipe from Ayurveda experts: For insomnia, try lubricating the legs, crown, and back of the head with warm oil. Any relaxing oil will do lavender, mint, and coconut.

Brew your own banana tea

Magnesium, which bananas are rich in, promotes relaxation and helps fight stress. There is a lot of magnesium in the fruits themselves and in the peel. To sleep better, doctors recommend preparing such a drink: wash the banana properly, cut off the stem and tip, and then cut the fruit in half and put it in boiling water for three to four minutes. Then add some honey and drink the resulting drink. Magnesium will help you relax, and honey will regulate blood sugar levels. One of the most common causes of nighttime awakenings is fluctuations in glucose levels, and honey will help fight them.

Inflate a balloon

Suddenly? Meanwhile, this technique can be very effective: inflating balloons makes us breathe deeply, just like in meditation. In addition, you can distract yourself from trying to fall asleep – and as a result, sleep will come imperceptibly and quickly.

Learn the 4-7-8 technique

Another breathing technique that will help you relax and fall asleep. Take a deep breath in through your nose for four seconds, then hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds. This breathing technique will not only help you relax but also increase the amount of oxygen in your blood.

Drink warm spiced milk at night

Three hours after dinner, prepare a cup of warm spiced milk: add saffron, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. You can also add some sugar or honey to make the drink sweeter.

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