Tired Legs? This Is The Massage You Didn’t Know You Needed

This is the innovative integral massage in which even one of its phases can be performed standing up and with heels on.

This is the innovative integral massage in which even one of its phases can be performed standing up and with heels on.

Spending many hours standing makes our legs tired and we suffer discomfort. In addition, now with the heat, the legs tend to kneel, something that affects our physical appearance and our well-being.

The symptoms of swelling, burning, and heaviness in our legs reflect a circulatory problem that can be improved with small changes on a daily basis.

It is recommended to have a balanced diet in which abundant fruit and vegetables are consumed, as well as a large portion of raw foods.

At the end of the daily bath, finish with cold water to cause alternate dilation and contraction of the arteries, and at bedtime, it is beneficial to elevate the legs, as it relieves heaviness.

The symptoms of swelling, burning, and heaviness in our legs reflect a circulatory problem

Massages have always been a very good option to achieve more relaxed legs, which is why Massage in Heels has developed a comprehensive massage in which even one of its phases can be performed standing up and with heels on.

The toning vertical massage is perfect for showing off more stylized and relaxed legs in just one session. This is completed with a full body and facial massage that increases well-being and relaxation.


  • First phase. In it, you work standing up with sandals or heels of at least eight centimeters. In this way, the muscles of the legs are massaged from the heel to the coccyx in tension, making it deeper and the legs are relaxed by releasing muscle tension.
  • Second stage. Work is carried out on a stretcher and the client must be placed in a prone position, that is, face down. In this session,  the legs and back are massaged with the muscles already relaxed.
  • Third phase. With the body completely relaxed, a Japanese facial massage of the neck, head, and face is performed in the supine position, face-up, completing a comprehensive massage.
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