How to survive the fall of Facebook: test and 10 rules

In the morning, Facebook was unavailable for an hour, the hackers took the blame. Instagram, which was also down, officially acknowledged the problem.
How to survive the fall of Facebook

In the morning, Facebook was unavailable for an hour, the hackers took the blame. Instagram, which was also down, officially acknowledged the problem.

 Instantly there were a bunch of entries on the hashtag #facebookdown. The public has shown how strongly dependent on the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg.

Scientists in California have studied this craze and concluded that the passion for social media is caused by a mood virus and comfortable perception that does not require genuine action. Simply put, in social networks we verbally overthrow mountains and receive strokes in the form of likes for this. This is the very approval that a person in society needs so much.

But what if social networks turn into a drug that pulls the blanket of attention from other areas of life to online pages? To find out how healthy your liking for Twitter and Facebook is, take a little test. You need to answer questions honestly. Do you check your social media profiles and read the news several times a day? Are you constantly viewing and commenting on your friends’ photos? Do you regularly change statuses and avatar photos? Sending messages to your friend’s walls? Happy birthday through social networks instead of a personal greeting or talking on the phone? Is every impression of life recorded on a page? When talking with friends from the same city, do you see each other less than once a month? If you can’t check your social media profiles, do you start to feel anxious?

Of course, every “yes” answer brings you closer to “addict” status. This problem is especially depressing for people who feel like social media infotainment is eating away at their work and personal time. How to use social networks competently and limit sagging time?

10 rules to help control your social media addiction.1. Delete your inactive social media profiles.
2. Remove redundant information from your accounts. The main thing is the contacts by which you can be found offline.

 3. The avatar should be you, not the fabulous Fairy of the Rose Valley. 4.

 Leave only important and useful people as friends.5. Remove from all communities and newsletters that are not personally needed for you and your projects. 6. Turn off email notifications.
7. Remove all gaming applications.
8. Turn off the option of posting messages to your wall.
9.  Set a social media schedule and time. Just 15 minutes a day is enough.

 10. Use control programs.  

And as a dessert, let’s talk about an interesting project of Time magazine. The publication launched a counter to time spent on the social network. The calculator app will tell you how many days of your life were taken by likes and shares. 

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