What you need to know about egg freezing

The development of reproductive technologies now allows us to do what our mothers thought was impossible. For example, egg freezing is now done quite often.
What you need to know about egg freezing (1)

The development of reproductive technologies now allows us to do what our mothers thought was impossible. For example, egg freezing is now done quite often.

 Let’s figure out what you need to know about this procedure and who may need it.

Egg freezing is also called oocyte cryopreservation. During this procedure, eggs are taken from a woman, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and placed in a cryobank. There, unfertilized eggs can be stored for many years until they are used for conception, for example with the help of IVF.

Why freeze eggs?

There are many reasons why egg cryopreservation may be required. In some cases, women decide to freeze before starting a complex treatment, such as cancer, which includes steps that can affect fertility. 

In others, early menopause becomes a reason for freezing: knowing about this condition in their closest relatives, mothers, or grandmothers, women freeze existing eggs until the ovarian reserve is exhausted.

Another common reason is the decision to postpone the birth of a child until later, in the meantime, pursue a career or study, as well as find a suitable partner. Frozen eggs become a kind of contribution to a future pregnancy. In 2015, Facebook (the social network was recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) and Google offered to reward some employees with such a bonus – women making a career in these companies got the opportunity to freeze their eggs and postpone thoughts of pregnancy for the time being.

Even the concept of “delayed motherhood” has appeared – this is pregnancy after 30 when studies are completed, a career has been started or built, and the woman herself is firmly on her feet. At the same time, it is not necessary to be married in order to have children. If necessary, you can use donor spermatozoa, which are also successfully frozen. By the way, sperm cryopreservation is also available and in demand, for example, for men who are undergoing treatment for cancer.

When to freeze eggs?

There is no ideal age for egg freezing, but there are recommendations regarding when is the best time to do so. Optimal age: between 20 and 30 years old, when the ovarian reserve – the number of eggs in the ovaries – is maximum, and the eggs themselves are the most healthy and of high quality.

With age, the chances of pregnancy decrease: in the vast majority of cases, getting pregnant at 25 is easier than at 35 and at an older age. Experts from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine do not recommend freezing eggs after 38 years of age.

What do you need to freeze eggs?

Your doctor will give you precise recommendations regarding the procedures necessary to prepare for cryopreservation. The process will consist of several stages: first, the ovarian reserve, the quality of the ovaries, and the state of health, in general, are assessed.

The next step is to stimulate the formation of oocytes, which will require hormonal injections. After the eggs have matured, they are collected by puncture and then frozen.

Studies show that vitrification – quick freezing – damages the eggs much less than gradual freezing. Currently, all clinics use vitrification, which provides a 90% chance of oocyte survival after thawing.

Freezing is not a guarantee of success

Cryopreservation of oocytes increases the chances of pregnancy in the future but does not guarantee its 100% onset. This must be remembered when deciding to freeze. 

This is because even though the freezing and thawing procedure is becoming more advanced, not all eggs survive after cryobanking. In addition, not even every survivor can be successfully fertilized – there are chances that pregnancy will not occur even with the most advanced reproductive technologies.

But in any case, the issue of cryopreservation of oocytes should be discussed with your doctor and, if necessary, undergo this procedure.

How does egg freezing affect your health?

On the one hand, medicine and science are developing, making the procedure more efficient and comfortable. On the other hand, we are different, and each woman tolerates egg retrieval for freezing in a different way.

Among the most common side effects:

  • Mood swings due to hormonal injections;
  • Abdominal pain and cramps after oocyte retrieval;
  • Weight gain against the background of hormonal stimulation;
  • Bloating.

Doctors do not exclude the development in some cases of ovarian hyperstimulation, and therefore a doctor should monitor the condition of a woman even after taking oocytes. Before starting preparation for hormonal stimulation, a thorough examination should be carried out, and the drugs themselves are prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

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