Do You Want A Perfect Smile? It Is Possible Thanks To Microveneer

Microveneers are porcelain or ceramic sheets that are bonded to the front of the tooth to improve its shape, size, and color. 

Microveneers are porcelain or ceramic sheets that are bonded to the front of the tooth to improve its shape, size, and color. 

These make the shape of the teeth more aesthetic and have more harmony.

We all want a perfect smile and more and more people are turning to microveneers , as it is one of the best options to correct the most common aesthetic defects.

Smile design with porcelain microveneers has become the ideal treatment to rejuvenate and achieve the smile you have always wanted.

What are porcelain microveneers? They are porcelain or ceramic sheets that are adhered to the front of the tooth to improve its shape, size, and color. They make the shape of the teeth more aesthetic and have more harmony.

Not all people are good candidates for this type of treatment

In addition, unlike composite, they are characterized by their great strength and durability. Even if the patient is responsible and gives them proper maintenance, they can become permanent.

Another great advantage of this treatment is that the microveneers are made to measure each patient.


  • COMPLETE STUDY AND PLANNING. It consists of a complete study of the patient with x- rays, photographs, and videos, as well as a digital scan of the mouth. With this information, the teeth, gums, lips, and facial features are analyzed together to define the shape, size, and color that the micro veneers will have in order to carry out a digital smile design through software that allows obtaining a digitized design of the smile. ideal patient smile.
  • THE MOCK-UP TESTIt is a simulation that allows the patient to see the final result of the design before placing the microveneers. The patient will be able to see and feel the design in his own mouth and assess with the specialist if he is comfortable or wishes to make changes in color, size, and shape .
  • PLACEMENT OF MICROLENSES. The final placement of the porcelain microveneers is performed. After testing them, they must be cemented one by one with a special adhesive.

Is it possible to place the microveneers without carving the tooth?

High aesthetic clinics that demand more personalized cases, such as Eugenia Cervantes Estética Dental, use advanced technologies to place micro veneers without the need for dental preparation, that is, without having to wear down, carve or invade the tooth structure.

Of course, not all people are good candidates for this type of treatment, the alignment of the teeth and the stability of the bite are key to determining if the patient can have micro veneers placed without the need to wear down the tooth.

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