Diet of centenarians: 6 food habits that prolong the life

We are what we eat – trite, but very true. By eating a balanced diet, you improve your health and prolong your life. Healthy eating habits are an invaluable investment in your long and happy life
Diet of centenarians 6 food habits that prolong the life (1)

We are what we eat – trite, but very true. By eating a balanced diet, you improve your health and prolong your life. Healthy eating habits are an invaluable investment in your long and happy life

Start changing your diet today and add at least a couple more years to your genetically determined lifespan.

Omega-3 Rich Foods

Omega-3 is not produced by the body, so you just need to get it from food. Supplements with this fatty acid are taken to maintain health and youth, but you can not resort to dietary supplements, but adjust your menu by adding sea fish, nuts, and avocados. Omega-3 improves brain function, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, maintains skin elasticity, and delays age-related changes in the body. 


Fiber-rich foods (especially vegetables and legumes) lower cholesterol, preventing the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also help stabilize your blood glucose levels, which means you’re not at risk of diabetes. And, of course, plant fiber is essential for maintaining optimal weight.

Colored fruits and vegetables

Let your plate be as colorful as possible! Bright fruits and vegetables contain a large number of antioxidants and special substances responsible for rich color. For example, tomatoes turn red due to the content of the plant pigment carotene, which is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A.


The record holders for the content of nutrients are olive, linseed, and hemp oils. They are rich in polyphenols, which serve the prevention of certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Vegetable oils do not harm the figure, but rather help maintain a healthy weight, and stimulate digestion and metabolism.


Proteins should make up at least a third of the daily diet – this will slow down aging. Food rich in protein acts as a building material for the body, which accelerates cell renewal. Plus, it helps you feel full and energized.


Much has been said about the benefits of clean water. But we will repeat once again – do not forget to drink enough. It stimulates the intestines, promotes the formation of lubrication for the joints, speeds up the metabolism, and stabilizes the nervous system.

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