6 reasons why women don’t notice pregnancy

How can you not notice the pregnancy? The child is growing in size, the belly is growing, and the baby is pushing from the inside. And besides this, the state of health worsens, and the weight grows.
_6 reasons why women don’t notice pregnancy (1)

How can you not notice the pregnancy? The child is growing in size, the belly is growing, and the baby is pushing from the inside. And besides this, the state of health worsens, and the weight grows.

Situations, when a woman finds out about pregnancy only at the time of childbirth, are not only in the movies.

At the end of April 2021, US resident Lavinia Maunga boarded a plane to go to Hawaii on vacation. The flight was unusual: the thing is that Lavinia, unexpectedly for everyone, gave birth to a child. She did not know about the pregnancy, and therefore the onset of childbirth came as a surprise to her. Raymond was born in the 29th week of pregnancy.

Fortunately for the woman, there were as many as three doctors on board – a family doctor and three nurses who had experience in intensive care. They quickly got their bearings and began to provide the necessary assistance. An Apple Watch was used to listen to the pulse, and the umbilical cord was tied with a shoelace.

Both mother and baby are doing well – immediately after landing, they were sent to the hospital to be examined by specialists. 

Lavinia’s case is not unique: one out of 475 women is faced with a situation where women do not know they are pregnant for quite a long time (up to 20 weeks). pregnancies. 

Doctors have a special term for such situations – cryptic pregnancy. We figure out how you can not notice pregnancy at all.

Women who endured pregnancy and gave birth to a child often do not imagine that this process can somehow be overlooked. It would seem that the signs are very obvious: malaise, weight gain, the disappearance of menstruation, and an increase in the abdomen. But the fact is that this does not always happen, and pregnancy can proceed in a completely different way than in most.

No symptoms

Indeed, someone’s pregnancy is completely atypical. There is no weight gain, no nausea or vomiting, no breast swelling or pain, and overall well-being does not change. 

If a woman is overweight, she may not notice a set of another 8-10 kilograms. In one of the publications, which was devoted specifically to the issues of cryptic pregnancy, it was said that children from such mothers are often born prematurely or have a weight below average.

Irregular cycle

“I’ve missed a period!” This is exactly what makes you wary, whether this pregnancy is planned or not. But what to do if, due to certain anomalies, the cycle is irregular, and therefore it can be quite difficult to understand when this very menstruation has not come.


Women who have been trying to conceive for years and undergoing infertility treatments often drop everything at some point and stop using contraception. Sometimes pregnancy occurs, although no one expects this event. The discovery of pregnancy becomes an unexpected event, and often it is an accidental finding during a routine examination.

Taking birth control pills

Birth control pills are quite effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies, but they only work if taken correctly. You can not skip the right pill and it is advisable to take them at about the same time.

Deviation from the schedule may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of such contraception. It may not be too strong, but sometimes it is enough for pregnancy to occur. 

Incorrect use of a pregnancy test

It happens that everything is in order with the cycle, weight, and the woman herself is in the stage of active pregnancy planning. There is a delay, but the test shows one strip – a negative result. This causes frustration and bewilderment, but later it turns out that the pregnancy did occur, and a negative pregnancy test is a consequence of the fact that it was done incorrectly. For example, too early, too late, or not in the morning, but at another time of the day, when the urine was not very concentrated.

Psychological denial

There are cases when a woman, due to a strong fear of becoming pregnant or giving birth to a child with abnormalities, puts a kind of block, denial of pregnancy. Because of this, she ignores the obvious signs of pregnancy, which are sometimes noticeable even to others.

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