Dull, oily, brittle a diet to solve hair problems

We talk about 5 main hair problems that arise due to the lack of certain foods in the diet. We will analyze each and at the same time tell you about a special diet for hair.
Dull, oily, brittle a diet to solve hair problems (1)

We talk about 5 main hair problems that arise due to the lack of certain foods in the diet. We will analyze each and at the same time tell you about a special diet for hair.

A girl with luxurious hair makes a girl want to approach her and ask what hair products she uses. And urgently take them into service. Only most of us are unaware that the tip of the iceberg does not care, but a diet for hair. It is from the products and their combinations that the health and beauty of the hair depend. Cosmetics mainly work to consolidate the result. 

Like skin, hair reflects the state of the body. Their cells need nutrients that provide the hairs with everything they need to make them strong and obedient. The most important thing is to take care of nutrition – first from the inside, then from the outside. And better in the complex.

A balanced, plant-based diet can help you get the key nutrients you need to keep your hair, skin, and nails in top shape. The best vitamins and nutrients for hair growth include lean proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, and iron. Each girl has her own hair type, which can be determined with the naked eye. But if necessary, contact the professionals in the beauty salon. We will look at the reasons why curls become a problem and look unhealthy. Everything can be fixed!

Dry brittle hair

Yes, such hair needs to be washed less often than oily or normal hair. But the “straw bundle” looks lifeless: they shine weakly, split, electrify, and are difficult to style and comb.

What is

Omega-3 fatty acids: flax and chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, avocados, eggs, cauliflower, soybeans, walnuts, olive oil, beans, fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring), and fish oil. Drink your water norm (30 ml of water per day per kilogram of body weight) to prevent drying of the hair along the entire length. Also foods rich in vitamin A: carrots, spinach, broccoli, papaya, mango, and pumpkin.

How does it work

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that the body does not produce on its own. They must come from food. Omega-3 contains oils that keep the scalp and hair hydrated.

Vitamin A is needed by the body to produce sebum, which acts as a natural conditioner for the scalp. Without it, dryness, itching, and irritation appear.

Greasy hair

Oily seborrhea, when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, becomes a real nightmare for the owner of this type of hair. They are a symbol of unkempt and dirty hair. In this case, you need to revise the menu to moderate the work of the sebaceous glands.

What is

Compensate for the lack of B vitamins: poultry meat, nuts, cereals, dairy products, legumes, herbs, lettuce, wheat germ, and eggs. Avoid foods high in sugar.

How does it work

Fast carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and are quickly broken down in the body. Blood glucose levels rise and release large amounts of insulin. The latter leads to a sharp increase in the level of circulating androgen, and it leads to a significant production of sebum.

Ignore saturated and trans fats found in animal fat and fried foods. They are harmful to the skin. But healthy fats from products are necessary for her.

Dull color

Immediately after cleansing, the strands may glisten slightly but fade very quickly. They look plain and gray, such hair is clearly not full of health.

What is

Foods rich in zinc and selenium: seafood, meat, oatmeal, milk, eggs, black bread, sunflower and flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, peas, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats. Foods containing tyrosine: almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, and sesame seeds. Foods with biotin: cauliflower, mushrooms, cheeses, spinach, soy flour, egg yolk.

How does it work

A lack of zinc and selenium leads to a dry scalp, which is why these minerals are so important. And tyrosine has a beneficial effect on the pigment of the hair. Biotin or Vitamin H converts nutrients into energy, keeping hair healthy and looking great.

Gray hair

Hair color change with age is inevitable. But you can try to prevent early gray hair if you avoid stress and eat a certain way.

What is

Foods with tyrosine and copper: legumes, liver, cashews, walnuts and Brazil nuts, and shellfish. Products with iron and vitamin B: dairy, barley porridge, cabbage, bananas, meat, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Berries, vegetables, and fruits with antioxidants: blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, prunes, beets, asparagus, broccoli, red cabbage, onions, sweet peppers, green tea, red wine (no more than a glass a day), dark chocolate.

Foods with vitamin D: fish oil, cod liver, salmon, pink salmon, and other fatty fish, egg yolk, butter, hard cheeses, and goat’s milk. Food with biotin, as with dull hair color.

How does it work

According to nutritionist Kelly Jones, probiotics are good not only for the digestive system but also for the head. Fermented foods (like kimchi or sauerkraut) keep the intestines healthy and able to produce biotin. A deficiency of these amino acids and vitamins leads to a change in the color and strength of the hair, they become thinner and brittle.

The doctor elaborates that a 2016 study showed that people with premature graying had low levels of vitamin B-12. Therefore, to prevent the process, it is necessary to introduce eggs or special supplements from the pharmacy into the diet.

Dark chocolate has a positive effect in preventing graying, which is a source of iron and copper, and copper is partly responsible for the production of melanin. With age, its level decreases, so eating the right food helps in combating discoloration. For pleasure and effect, one or two pieces are enough.

Hair loss

When combing or washing, some of the hairs fall off naturally to make way for new ones. But if the rate of loss is higher than productivity, it’s time to think about the reasons. The growth and hair loss cycle is affected by drugs, nicotine, hormonal factors, thyroid disease, stress, weight fluctuations (extreme diets), or an inadequate diet.

What is

Protein-rich foods: chicken, lentils, almonds, broccoli, walnuts, avocados, milk, oilseeds, and dried fruits. Iron-rich foods: dark green leafy vegetables, liver, eggs, legumes, beans, dates, cereals, apricots, and dried fruits.

Food with vitamin E: vegetable and butter, eggs, cereals, sunflower seeds, spinach, wheat germ oil, and nuts. And foods with vitamin C: lemon, orange, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, and blueberries.

How does it work

Including protein on your menu is critical to giving the strength and strength of your locks. Its deficiency leads to poor hair growth and subsequent hair loss. Iron is an essential mineral. With a drop in the level of iron in the blood, the hair follicles receive fewer nutrients.

Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron and the production of collagen by the body, which strengthens the capillaries that supply the strands with useful substances. Prolonged exposure to the sun leads to dryness and brittleness, and vitamin E protects the hair from the harmful effects of sunlight.

The perfect time to change your relationship with food will never come. So you need to take the first step now. By eating the right foods, you can solve certain hair problems from the inside out. The listed natural products are widely used in building a proper diet, but they cannot replace a full-fledged treatment if necessary.

If the changes in the condition of the hair are too obvious, you should seek help from specialists. For example, there is chronic hair loss, severe dandruff, skin diseases, and so on. In addition, you need to be careful if you are prone to allergies or have hypersensitivity to certain products.

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