This symptom will not indicate early Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of senile dementia that Bruce Willis was recently diagnosed with. In the final stage, the patient usually completely loses speech and intelligence,
This symptom will not indicate early Alzheimer's disease (1)

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of senile dementia that Bruce Willis was recently diagnosed with. In the final stage, the patient usually completely loses speech and intelligence,

which is why he needs constant supervision. At the same time, in the first stages, this pathology is practically unrecognizable. However, there is an unexpected symptom of Alzheimer’s disease that no one ever pays attention to. Let’s talk about it!

Unfortunately, we simply cannot completely prevent many chronic diseases. It remains only to carefully monitor your health in order to minimize the risks of the occurrence of certain pathologies.

Particular attention should be paid to the signals of the body that occur in the earliest stages of the disease. If you know the enemy by sight, then it becomes much easier to fight him. So you gain time for the right choice of therapy, which helps to significantly improve the quality of life.

However, many terrible diagnoses are extremely difficult to recognize at first. These include Alzheimer’s disease, the symptoms of which people often ignore. For example, recent studies have revealed unexpected signs of the disease at an early stage, which manifest themselves … while driving a car!

So, scientists from Washington University in St. Louis figured out how people’s driving behavior changes with age, and whether it is possible to identify any characteristic symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in it. For more than a year, several dozen people over 65 participated in the experiment, half of whom suffered from senile dementia at an early stage.

Just this group showed a certain manner of driving a car. The experiment showed that while driving a car, they made fewer risky maneuvers, generally moved more slowly than others, drove shorter distances, and tried not to travel at night.

This knowledge will form the basis of an improved model, which in the future will help identify Alzheimer’s disease at the preclinical stage of the disease. The news is certainly good: although this will not prevent Alzheimer’s disease, it will definitely help many people slow down its development. 

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