Write For US!

Welcome to OnlineiBusiness! We’re delighted that you’re interested in contributing to our blogging community. Our platform is dedicated to providing valuable insights, tips, and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs, digital marketers, and online business enthusiasts.

Why Write for Us?

By becoming a contributor to OnlineiBusiness, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your expertise and share your unique perspective with our rapidly growing audience. We believe in the power of collaboration and recognize the diverse knowledge that each individual brings to the table.

Topics We Cover

Our blog covers a wide range of topics related to online businesses, entrepreneurship, marketing strategies, e-commerce, social media, SEO, content marketing, technology trends, and much more. If you have valuable insights to share in any of these areas, we’d love to hear from you!

Guidelines for Guest Contributions

To maintain the quality and consistency of content on OnlineiBusiness, we have some guidelines that we request all guest contributors to follow:

  1. Original Content: Submissions must be unique and not published elsewhere.
  2. Relevance: Content should be highly relevant to our audience and fit into the scope of our website’s focus.
  3. Quality: We value well-researched, insightful, and well-written articles that provide value to our readers.
  4. Word Count: Aim for a word count between 800 to 2000 words, depending on the topic and depth of the content.
  5. Formatting: Please format your article with subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to enhance readability.
  6. Images: If you include images, ensure they are either your own or from sources with appropriate permissions.
  7. Plagiarism: We do not tolerate plagiarism. Any content found to be plagiarized will be rejected.

How to Submit

To submit your article for consideration, please email it as a Google Docs link or a Word document attachment to publishmyguestpost@gmail.com. Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you within 2 days.

Bio and Promotion

We’re happy to give credit to our guest contributors. You can include a brief author bio at the end of your article, along with a link to your website and social media profiles. However, promotional links should be limited to the bio section.

Join Our Community

Beyond contributing articles, you’ll have the chance to engage with our readers through comments and discussions. We encourage our writers to respond to comments, share their articles on social media, and be an active part of the OnlineiBusiness community.

Thank you for your interest in writing for OnlineiBusiness! We look forward to reading your insightful contributions and working together to create a valuable resource for online business enthusiasts worldwide.

For any further inquiries or questions, please feel free to reach out to us at publishmyguestpost@gmail.com